We help businesses make the right decisions. It’s a way for businesses to get CFO support that they wouldn’t have been able to afford previously. Companies that hire a Virtual CFO get access to an experienced & well-qualified financial professional at a fraction of the cost of a full-time CFO. Salient features:

Traditional CFO

Handle all the duties just like traditional CFO, but work remotely through the use of digital platforms.

Monitor finance

Monitor the financial health and well-being of the business, usually by using dashboards and reports.

Valuable Insights

Offer objective financial insights and guidance on all company decisions and issues periodically and as needed.

Custom Service

Perform other functions such as managing account ledgers, financial budgets, reconciliations etc. depending on the client and their needs.

We audit the existing scenario and understand the challenges in-depth before proceeding to curate a solution. We take into account the nature of the industry, structure of the entity, mindset of the person at the helm and also the organisation’s culture among other things.
Using the data collected, we further research industry vide practices and even do competitor mapping. Our team then sits with the management and creates a strategy that best suits them and the resources at hand.

A strategy is pointless if not executed well. We make sure the execution is done the way the planning directed it to be. We don’t just create strategies but be a part of the implementation process for achieving success.

Progress is an on-going process and not a one-time phenomenon. We recommend periodic reviews to make sure there no lapses in the previously implemented solutions. However, more often than not there minor issues that need to be addressed for smooth functioning.